My partners joined me again on The Next Level Experience on today’s show Kevin and Altee Dapper. First, we discussed gratitude and the science behind just why gratitude is so powerful. In addition, we discussed affirmations and what’s called the re-frame method way of doing your affirmations. You will also hear about abundance in this podcast and how to attract more of it into your life. Lastly, we touched on how to protect your energy field from those energy vampires in your life.


Previous podcasts on The Next Level –


Schedule a discovery call – 

With Keven –

With Michelle –


Next Level explanation video –


Tailored Coaching Method Sign Up –


Connect with us on Instagram

Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder

Guest Kevin Dapper – @myhealingworks

Gust Altee Dapper – @myhealingworks

Key Nutrition – @keynutrition