Assistant Coach Application

Apply to work as an assistant coach for Brad Jensen.



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    Tell us about your online coaching experience...

    (how long you've been coaching, what your coaching process looks like, etc)

    Tell us about your education, degrees, and certifications within the health & fitness field...

    Have you ever consistently tracked your own macros before?

    How comfortable do you feel prescribing macros for clients based their dieting history, goals, and needs?

    How comfortable do you feel making specific macro changes (changing carbs, fats, etc) based on the clients biofeedback?

    Please select all areas of biofeedback in which you feel comfortable assessing and evaluating...

    Sleep routine & sleep qualityStress & stress managementDigestion & gut healthSoreness & recoveryHunger, cravings, & satietySex hormones, menstrual health, & libidoEnergy levels & mood

    How comfortable are you in taking clients through reverse diets?

    How might you assess whether or not a client should do a reverse diet before their dieting/deficit phase?

    How comfortable are you in writing training programming based on a clients goals, needs, and preferences?

    How comfortable are you creating training programming that can cater to previous injuries and other orthopedic concerns?

    How comfortable are you creating training programming that can cater to previous injuries and other orthopedic concerns?

    How comfortable are you in adjusting nutrition and training protocols to address issues like hypothyroid, PCOS, missing menstrual cycles, gut health, high cortisol levels, etc?

    What would you suggest for a client whose digestion is struggling? What kind of adjustments might you make to their protocols/program? What type of clarifying questions might you follow up with?

    *NOTE: You may say "not sure!" if this is not a question you feel comfortable answering.

    You receive a check-in from your client. They rank their stress high, their sleep quality poor, and their hunger high. How might each of these measures of biofeedback be playing into one another? How would you educate the client on this / how would you advise them?

    Which communication styles do you think suit you best when working with clients?

    *Note: you may select more than one.

    "Suck it up buttercup"Comfort and grace when neededTough love and sternness when neededSpoon feeding, hand holding, babying

    How willing are you to give up your own coaching business (if applicable) to be an exclusive coach for Brad Jensen?

    Each coach on our team has a MAIN goal of educating their clients as much as possible throughout their time working with us. What do you feel YOU will be able to BEST educate your clients on?

    What are your self-proclaimed "specialties" when it comes to coaching? What do you feel sets you apart from other coaches?

    Based on these questions and your knowledge of how we function here are Key Nutrition, where do YOU feel you may need the most "training" or "brushing up"? Please be honest and specific!

    Why do you want to work for Brad Jensen?

    Anything else you want us to know?